How to prepare a Pitch Deck for Investors

What is a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is a brief presentation, often created using PowerPoint or Keynote, used to provide your audience with a quick overview of your business plan. You will usually use your pitch deck during face-to-face or online meetings with potential investors, customers, partners, and co-founders.

12 Slides of a pitch deck

01. Introduction

02. Team

It is very important to introduce your team members to the investors. Having prominent and experienced team members can increase the credibility of company. It also helps create leverage when you are negotiating with the investors. Investors don't invest in businesses, rather they invest on the businessman.

03. Problem

04. Solution

05. USP

State what advantages your solution has over your competitors, as there might be other players in the market trying to solve the same problem. Highlight the USP(Unique Selling Point) of your solution to have an edge over the others.

06. Product

07. Traction

Display the already existing client base that you have created with the available resources. This will help the investor understand that the business has a future, and what the business could do if it had more resources.

08. Market

State the target market share that you aim at achieving within a specified time. Provide various details of the target market such as the size of the market, available opportunities, growth prospectus ETC.

09. Competition

10. Business Model

Explain the investors how you are going to generate revenues for the business. What steps and actions will be taken to ensure that the business will survive. Explain how liquidity will be maintained to avoid any unfavourable situations and from when you expect the company to make profits.

11. Investment

Keep in hand financial documents such as forecast for next 5 Years, Financial statements till date, Valuation report, profitability report ETC. What is your planned budget? What kind of money are you looking for? The desired amount of investment the company requires.

Pitch Deck Do's

Pitch Deck Dont's

  1. Don't use too many bullet Points
  2. Don't make it too long
  3. Don't read word by word from your script.
  4. Don't create a text-rich, picture-poor presentation.
  5. Don't Come unprepared
  6. Don't use small fonts


“Information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be used in deciding any particular case. The entire contents of this document have been prepared on the basis of relevant provisions and as per the information existing at the time of the preparation. Though utmost efforts have been made to provide authentic information, it is suggested that to have better understanding and obtaining professional advice after thorough examination of particular situation.”

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