How to prevent De-activation of IECs?

The commerce ministry has decided to deactivate all importer-exporter codes (IECs) that have not been updated after January 2014 with effect from December 6 this year a move that would help in knowing the actual number of real traders in the country.

“All IECs which have not been updated after January 1, 2014, shall be deactivated with effect from December 6, 2021” According to a trade notice of the DGFT. This deactivation process is being initiated in a phased manner.


  • The Importer -Exporter Code (IEC) is a key business identification number that is mandatory for Exports or imports. No person shall make any import or export except under an IEC number granted by DGFT
  • The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has mandated all IEC holders to ensure that details in their IEC are updated electronically every year during the April-June period.

It is stated that the concerned IEC holders are provided one final opportunity to update their IECs in this interim period till December 5th,failing which the given code would be deactivated from December 6th.

Online updation application has been submitted but pending with DGFT

“Any IEC where an online updation application has been submitted but pending with the DGFT RA (regional authority) for approval shall be excluded from the deactivation list,” it is added.

Re- Activation of IECs

It is said, “the deactivated IEC can be reactivated after December 6 , the IEC holder has
To navigate to the DGFT website and update status or the response to the query in the DGFT portal”.
“Upon successful update, the given IEC shall be activated again and transmitted accordingly to the customs system with the updated status,”


  1. All IEC Holders/Members of trade.
  2. DGFT Regional Authorities.
  3. Export Promotion councils/Commodity Boards
  4. Other Industry Associates


According to an industry expert, de-activation of IECs helps in reducing the base load of the Directorate and it helps in knowing the actual number of real exporters and importers in the country.


“Information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be used in deciding any particular case. The entire contents of this document have been prepared on the basis of relevant provisions and as per the information existing at the time of the preparation. Though utmost efforts have been made to provide authentic information, it is suggested that to have better understanding and obtaining professional advice after thorough examination of particular situation.”

By Zabiulla

Article Assistant

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