GST on Real Estate Sector

Real estate sector is one of the important pillars of the Indian economy. It contributes around 6-8% of the India’s GDP and it stands 2nd after the IT industry.
Impact of GST on Real Estate Sector: -
Real Estate sector is a broad term, which demands different types of treatments under GST for various types of transactions.

Impact on Buyers: -

Impact on Developers/Builders/Contractors: -

GST Rates for some of the goods relating to the construction industry are given below:
Product | Rate of GST |
Sand | 5% |
Sand & Fly ash Bricks | 12% |
Steel | 18% |
Paints | 18% |
Marble and granite | 28% |
Cement | 18% |
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Prepared By

A Satish Kumar Sarab
CA Final
Date: 11/12/2020